Registration will open Monday 3rd February 2025


Registration for EuCARA25 is now open. Please register as early as you can because this will help us to plan the event. The event begins on Friday 5 th September 2025 evening with a reception and ends after lunch on Sunday 7 th September 2025. The delegate fee includes the reception on Friday,
refreshments and lunch on both days.

We are pleased to announce that Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell will be our key note speaker. A full programme is being finalised and details will be posted on this website as it develops and speakers are confirmed.

There will be a conference dinner on Saturday evening, this will be buffet style with lots of space to sit and socialise. Drinks including wine, beer and soft drink are included.

Conference Fee – £90

Conference Dinner

Myself – £40
Myself and Guest – £80

Registration for accommodation and the conference is required by Sunday 3rd August 2025.

Click here to register, reserve accommodation and pay

Registration for accommodation and the conference is required by Sunday 3rd August 2025.

Important information about the event
Food Allergies:
If you have any allergies or dietary preferences, please provide this information when your register. This will allow the caterer to prepare meals that meet your needs. If you are bringing a guest to the dinner please provide details for them as well. All information will be kept confidential and only shared with the caterer. – There is a section on the. registration page for this

There is accommodation on the Harwell site at Ridgeway House. This is approximately 700m from the visitors centre. We have reserved a block of rooms for delegates and partners. If you require a room please tick the appropriate box on the registration form. We will pass your name and contact details to Ridgeway House. Payment will be your responsibility and is made on departure. Rooms are limited and allocated on a ‘first-come-first served’ basis.
On site Ridgeway House – Friday – £90.00
On site Ridgeway House – Friday Partner – £27.00
On site Ridgeway House – Saturday – £90.00
On site Ridgeway House – Saturday – Partner – £27.00
Please advise us if you require an accessible room. There is a section on the registration page for this.

Site Catering
There is a Restaurant on site adjacent to the Visitor Centre which will be open on Friday until 20:15 serving food for site staff and guests staying at Ridgeway House.


Photos will be taken of the event and may be used in any publicity, or reports resulting from the event including publication in magazines and websites. Please advise us if you wish to opt out of all photos, we will arrange for your site pass to have a “no photos” lanyard. There is a section on the registration page for this.

Site Access:
Harwell is a secure site Photo ID will be required to enter the site. eg Passport / Driving Licence / Bus Pass / National identity card. Please contact us if you do not have any photo ID or have questions.

It is not permitted to wander around the site unaccompanied.  Access is only allowed between Reception, Visitor centre, Restaurant, and Hotel (Ridgeway House)
There is extensive free parking on the Harwell site adjacent to the Visitors Centre. This is inside the security fence but vehicles are left at the owners risk.